Supremacy Of Law

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Supremacy Of Law

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What is Dishonesty?

What is Dishonesty ? 

According to Law the word Dishonesty can be define as, when a person does anything and his intention is to cause wrongful gain to one person or wrongful loss to another person, so it is said that such person does thing dishonesty.

Legal Definition of Dishonesty

As per Law, Dishonesty is an act without honesty, it is the fundamental component of a majority of offences relating to the acquistion, conversion and disposal of property defined in Criminal Law such as fraud.

Consequences of Dishonesty

When this desire motivates lying, the consequences are likely to be negative – not only for the person caught trying to deceive others but for other people. When people lie out of self-interest, their deceptive behavior becomes a social norm.

Relevant Provision Laws of Dishonesty

Section 24 of PPC with Sec-420 for Punishments
According to Criminal Law, the examples of Dishonesty in the Workplace. Employee theft can’t happen if you are sufficiently vigilant. Most workplace dishonesty arises through lying, stealing, or unethical behavior. By some estimates, employees commit about 80 percent of the offenses, which should disturb any manager.

As per Law, Crimes of Dishonesty involves a crime where a person acts directly or indirectly to cheat or defraud for monetary gain or wrongfully takes property that belongs to someone else. Dishonesty also includes acts involving lack of integrity or intent to distort, cheat or act deceitfully or fraudulently.

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